Information Coming Soon! 
Is a free mobile app that allows you to snap pictures of your receipts from any store, big or small, that primarily sell food, health or beauty items to earn Room Points (cash donations) for our school.  It doesn't matter where you shop or what items you buy - Shoparoo will make a cash donation for every receipt!  Click on the link to start today!
Just click the link to sign up for Amazon Smile.  Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to our school.  Start shopping & raising money for our school at the same time!
General Mills Box Tops for Education 
Student Council is collecting box tops all year.  General Mills "Box Tops for Education" can be found everywhere, on a wide variety of items, including Huggies, Cottonelle, Betty Crocker, and Pillsbury products, numerous brands of cereal, Yoplait yogurt, Juicy Juice and many more.  Please click on the link for more information about the program and a list of participating products.  10 box tops = $1.00 for our school!!!